Heidi's hunde skole

Mixed team English


Want to know more ?

Team training for family dogs…


Dog training at Heidi`s Dogschool is training of the family dog, with positive reinforcment, which means a LOT of praise and treats. Working a lot with walking nice on a leash and harness, basic training such as sit down, lie down, recall and contact, as well as the good relationship between dog and owner, is my primary focus. I want to teach you, the owner, how to teach your dog what it needs, in order to cope in the best possible way, in an everyday life, living with humans in a human world.

Breeds that were originally used for fighting, as well as other breeds with challenges in a social context, are all welcome here. Female dogs in heat can occur on the site, which gives the owners of the intact male dogs “a little more work cut out for them” 

There is a maximum of 6 dogs, so I am able to get in contact with each individual participant and hel/guide as needed. There is no deadline for what we have to achieve, no competition or final test. Therefore we have got the room for different levels for dogs and owners on a team.

Your dog is the one that is registered, and as well as you can choose to show up more than one person, it can also be different persons from the family, showing up from time to time. 2 persons per dog can participate in this class. Both children and adults are very welcome, and you decide for yourself who does the exercises with the dog. Children must be old enough to be interested in participating in the training or watching, but playful and noisy children unrelated to the training are unfortunately too disruptive.


To give you the tools you need to create the best possible relationship between you and your dog, so you are able to handle different challenges in your common everyday life, and to teach your dog to stay calm and relaxed when other people ad dogs are present.


Your dog needs to be vaccinated and insured when you show up, and all stay at the training ground is at your own risk. Be aware that some insurance companies require extended liability insurance for the dog when you are participating in dog training. Bring documentation for vaccination and insurance at the first training session.

Your dog has to wear a harness and I recommend a firm leash, not a flex leash. If you are unsure which harness to choose, I recommend an H- harness. They can be bought in many variations and many colors. Harnesses like K9 and those similar to I can not recommend. Using choke collar and retrieverlines are not allow. ANY kind of physical punishment and reprimands like puling hard on the leash, punch or kicking is NOT allowed and will result in expulsion without the possibility of a refund of payment.

IMPORTANT : Always keep your dog on the leash unless you are being told otherwise, and please awoid leting you dog greet other dogs while being on a leash. Also keep a good distance to dogs, or owners, who seem to be strugglling with other dogs presence. Let`s help each other and be considerate.

Where is it ?

The taining takes place on Kærbøllinghusevej on the grounds of the hunting association. Enter the road from Bredstenvej and continue up Kærbøllinghusevej … Do NOT follow the sign that says HUNDEKLUBBERNE but PASS it and drive a little bit longer up the road, til you se the sign HEIDI`S DOGSCHOOL on your right. You may park along Kærbøllinghusevej or follow the sign to the training grounds.

Bring along

Lots of GOOD small treats, with a strong scent, (preferably in a treat bag) and a hungry dog, water, bowl, and puddle bags.

What is the price ?

The price is DKK 1175 incl. VAT. Mobile Pay to 226284 (write your dog`s name) and send me a screenshot of your payment. When I receive your payment, you are registered. Alternativly, you can pay in cash at the first lesson, if you wish to do so, send me text message to let me know. Cash can only be DKK.

There are no refunds for missing training sessions or any other reasons.



All registration takes place the first time by phone. Every lesson is 45 min. and we meet up 6 times i a row. If you have any questions contact me by phone 20971981 or info@heidishundeskole.dk

Welcome to dog training.



Har du brug for akut hjælp til din hund?

Problematikkerne kan være mange, men ens for dem alle er, at du er nået til en punkt, hvor du har brug akut hjælp til opdragelse af din hund.

Hold træning

Holdtræning – udendørs

Holdtræning hos mig er træning af familiehunden, med positiv forstærkning, hvilket vil sige MASSER af ros og godbidder.

Holdtræning – indendørs

Holdtræning i lydighed hos mig er træning af familiehunden, med positiv forstærkning, hvilket vil sige MASSER af ros og godbidder.

De Usikre

Holdet for de lyd og bevægelsessensitive hunde af små racer, som har brug for at få styrket selvtilliden.

Havehold for hvalpe

På dette hold er socialisering i højsædet og hvalpene får længere tid til at lege end på hvalpelydighedsholdet.

Havehold for hvalpe

På dette hold er socialisering i højsædet og hvalpene får længere tid til at lege end på hvalpelydighedsholdet.


Holdet hvor vi tager træningen med ud i den virkelige verden.


å begynderholdet bliver alle forhindringer på banen introduceret gradvist på en god og rolig måde.


På dette hold går vi efter at hunden skal have lov til at bruge sin yndlingssans mest muligt


å begynderholdet bliver alle forhindringer på banen introduceret gradvist på en god og rolig måde.


På dette hold går vi efter at hunden skal have lov til at bruge sin yndlingssans mest muligt

Rally – for begyndere

Rally for begyndere handler, hos mig i hvert fald, om at få lidt mere sjov ind i træningen.

Gymnastik for krop & hjerne

Dette hold henvender sig især til dig der har en hund som er lidt usikker eller som gerne vil træne noget andet end lydighed.